Environmental Management

Environmental Authorizations

Environmental Authorizations are required to comply with the National Environmental Management Act (NEMA). Several activities are listed in three listing notices, for which authorisation is required.


Environmental Impact Assessments (EIS’s & BA’s)

Environmental Impact Assessments are conducted in order to acquire an Environmental Authorization. There are two different types of assessments, Environmental Impact & Scoping (EIS) and Basic Assessment (BA), which are used to identify and evaluate the environmental aspects and implement mitigation measures for the project.


Water Use License Applications

Water Use License Application is required for certain water uses which are triggered in Section 21 of the National Water Act. The applications are required to regulate water use such as abstraction, storing of water, activities within a watercourse or wetland, etc.


Waste Management License Applications

Waste management are regulated through the National Environmental Management: Waste Act. EIA’s and BA’s are required during the waste management license applications.


Environmental Management Plans/Programmes

Environmental Management Plans/Programmes are tools used to ensure that the impacts on the environment during the construction, operation and decommissioning phases of a project are prevented or kept to a minimum through mitigation measures.


Environmental Auditing and Compliance

Environmental Auditing is an environmental tool to measure the effects of certain activities against a set criteria or standard and to evaluate the effectiveness of the existing environmental management systems.


Public Participation/stakeholder Engagement

The public participation or stakeholder engagement form part of the Environmental Authorisation and Water Use License Application. It is an important part to ensure that all people are informed of any potential decisions that may affect them.

Environmental Sciences

Risk Assessment

An Environmental Risk Assessment is a process that identifies and evaluates the risk of potential threats to the environment.


Flood Line Determination

A flood line is the representation of the highest elevation that would probably be reached during a storm event with a return interval of 100 years. The determination of the flood lines are required to indicate on development plans during the planning phase. The flood line determination is done in accordance with approved engineering guidelines.


Rehabilitation Planning

Rehabilitation planning is detailed planning of the management and specifications of the area that are affected. The plans might be a requirement during applications.


GIS Mapping

A geographic information system (GIS) is a computer system for capturing, storing, checking, and displaying data related to positions on Earth’s surface. It is used to display specifics of projects and projecting it in a manner to easily identify important aspects of the project.


Water Quality monitoring

Monitoring of water quality monitoring in order to comply with regulations and environmental authorizations or licenses. Parameters can include, temp, pH, EC, TDS, TSS, DO etc.

Environmental Awareness

Environmental Awareness training

The environment is constantly changing and our ability to adapt for the greater purpose of environmental conservation will ultimately have a positive impact on the areas that surround us. Because adaptation can be proven difficult it is of vital importance to receive the proper training in environmental awareness issues.


Contractor training

As a contractor, it is vital that you understand all the relevant procedures involved regarding the sensitivities of the surrounding environment. Contractor training provides an overview of the problems we face with the environment and addresses our responsibilities to reduce negative impacts in the workplace.


Legislation training

The environmental legislation serves to prohibit, restrict, and regulate environmentally harmful practices. This training provides guidance on the legal requirements regarding soil development, water usage, waste, and wastewater management, as well as clearing invasive alien plants to name just a few.

Environmental Awareness

Specialist Studies

Wetland Delineation

A Wetland Delineation is used to determine the outer edges of the wetland through a desktop assessment and site inspection. It is done in accordance with the Wetland Classification Systems (NWCS) developed by the South African National Biodiversity Institute (SANBI) and Ollis et al 2013.


Aquatic Biodiversity Assessment

An Aquatic Impact Assessment is a crucial process that evaluates the potential effects of human activities on aquatic ecosystems. It helps identify and understand the impact of proposed projects near watercourses, wetlands, and other aquatic environments.

Environmental monitoring and complaince

Environmental Control Officers

An ECO plays an important role of monitoring compliance of the activities compiling environmental audits to check if the client is compliant with conditions that are set out in the environmental authorization and environmental management plan/programme. Audits may be conducted (weekly, monthly, quarterly, bi-annually and/or annually) for the client and for submission to the competent authority (CA) at intervals indicated by the CA.


Compliance Audits

Required audits to determine compliance with environmental authorizations, water use licenses and waste licenses


Legal Compliance Audits

General legal compliance audits to ensure compliance with South African environmental legislation.

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